Author Archives: 29anayap

Stock Market Choices

The past couple months in Language Arts class we did a project where it involved the Stock Market. We chose stocks and had fake money to spebnd which was $20,000. I chose a bunch of different stocks by things I use on a day to day basis and clothing companies that I like. I loved this project and at the end there was the one who lost the most money and the one who made the most, and the both got prizes.

Ted Like Talk


Last week in Langiage Arts I made my very own Ted like Talk. I presented all about being a junior vet. When I grow up I want to be a vet and I am really passionate about it. At first I was very nervous but I started to get in the flow and by the end of the Ted like Talk I really enjoyed it! I highly recommend people to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. You never know you might like it in the long run!

Book Making, The Last Cuentista and My Ideal World

Book Making, The Last Cuentista and My Ideal World

A few months ago my language arts class along with the rest of the sixth grade read this book called The Last Cuentista. The book was all about this girl moving to a new planet with her family and in the process of going to the new planet she lost all of her family. The girl (Petra) is a huge storyteller but she is afraid of losing her stories when moving to a new planet because the workers on the ship erase everyone’s memory. After all, “What is a world without stories?”  While battling that all she is on a mission to find her family again without anyone knowing.

After finishing The Last Cuentista the whole sixth grade wrote  about what their Ideal World would be. So when I wrote mine I thought about writing a story like the one we had read. After writing half of the story I abandoned the idea of writing a story. Instead, I did what it was like living in my Ideal World. It was called The Unknown. After writing and thinking over my newly written piece and a lot of editing later, it was finally done! 

I really enjoyed this project and I challenge you to try it on your own. I had a deadline to finish this, but lucky for you time is on your side. So now I encourage you to go write a masterpiece! Happy writing!



Now, my favorite part of my language arts class this year. It’s called Book Making. Basically, you use paint and other materials like string, leaves, branches, paper etc. For my book, I only used Aku ink which is a really special type of ink. I also used paper and leafs to collage the different pages of my handmade book. After adding all the pages it was time to add my cover. I used a pink cover, since my planet is called The Unknown it’s short for TU which is what I put on my cover. After I finished all that, I added my finishing touches, and I was done! This project was definitely the highlight of my LA class and I really enjoyed it! These last few months have been very challenging but in a good way and I am glad I got to do all these awesome things to end the year strong! 

La Ciudad de Durham

Credit to



Hola! Me llamo Anaya y tengo 11 años. Me gusta jugar fútbol y me gusta dibujar, escribir, comer y jugar con mis perros. Voy a hablar de la ciudad de Durham. 

Primero, en Durham puedes visitar La Universidad de Duke. En la Universidad de Duke puedes caminar con tus amigos y hablar con tu familia. También puedes montar en bicicleta afuera y ver un partido de baloncesto. ¿Te gusta jugar fútbol? ¿Te gusta montar en bicicleta?

Segundo, en Durham puedes visitar El Parque Estatal Río Eno. En el Parque Estatal Río Eno puedes caminar en los senderos. También, puedes ver el Río con tu familia y puedes montar en bicicleta en los senderos. Asimismo, tú puedes meditar con tus primos y hablar con tus amigos. Por el contrario, no me gusta oler flores porque soy muy alérgica.¿Te gusta caminar? ¿Te gusta hablar con tus amigos?

Tercero, en el Teatro Carolina tú puedes ver la televisión. Asimismo, tú puedes comer palomitas. También, puedes dormir en el Teatro de Carolina y hablar con tu familia. Me gusta ver películas porque es muy emocionante. ¿Te gusta ver películas? ¿Te gusta dormir?

Finalmente, en Durham puedes visitar Durham Academy. Me fascina Durham Academy porque mis profesores son muy espectaculares. En Durham Academy tú puedes aprender en los salones de clase. Asimismo, puedes correr afuera con tus amigos. También puedes dibujar en Arte y escribir cuentos en Literatura. ¿Te gusta escribir? ¿Te gusta correr?

Yo recomiendo Durham porque Durham es muy espectacular, agradable, limpio y seguro. En Durham, hay muchas casas, tiendas, cines y museos. Durham es una ciudad que está llena de personas amables y Durham es muy tranquila. 

Gracias por tu atención. 

My Spanish Presentation

A couple of weeks ago, I presented a Spanish project about the weather, seasons, activities to do and more. I really enjoyed this project because, this was a huge challenge. We had to spend most of our time memorizing and putting together a slide show all in Spanish. I am always willing to face new challenges and that’s why I really enjoyed this project. I hope that you are always up to face new challenges and are always willing to learn. That’s one of the major things I learned this year in sixth grade and will continue to carry with me during my lifetime.

My Ideal World

My Ideal World 

By Anaya 

Imagine walking into a world with peace and harmony, a world that uplifts each other and not tears them down. That is where I live. Where everything you draw comes to life, but obviously rules apply. I live in a mansion, where every family is given one by the government, designed however you like it to be. Mine has a huge bowling alley with a cafe and a HUGE arcade!

All the animals are similar to the green and blue planet. I think it’s called Earth? I bet you’ve never heard of it. Earth exploded millions of years ago because of pollution, trash and plastic. 

Anyhow the air is safe to breathe in and kills any virus that is in the air. We live in a world where scientists call it the 1900s but on our planet (The Unknown) 


Like Earth, we have all four seasons BUT my favorite season is winter because it snows every winter and doesn’t melt until spring comes around. In spring it’s always                                                                                                                                                                                                              so hot and never rains. In summer it’s usually cool and rains a lot, and in fall it gets cool and the leaves turn different colors. We also have jackets that keep you warm or cold based on a setting that you put it at.

General Life

The cool thing about my planet The Unknown is that no one ever dies and people stop aging after your late 50s but it really depends on the person. The only way you can die is going to the judges and discussing it with them, and if they say yes they can press a button and you die fast and peacefully. 

School is so much fun because you get a lot of fun classes and you get dessert every day. But obviously what is school without learning? We still learn a lot but the classes are just more fun. Next to everyone’s mansions come with a field of unlimited money and you can grow anything you want! For example, you could grow clothes, trampolines and even new friends! I’m just joking, you can’t really grow new friends but you can grow anything else! 

Our government is actually the best government there is. Our government makes sure there are no people living on the streets and they also make sure people are taken care of. We get to vote on new laws and get to decide which building goes where. But it’s obviously optional if we want to vote or not.

Plant Life

We also have amazing plant life on The Unknown. We have rich and dense forests along with no pollution. We have amazing soil and we grow lots of crops every year. We also have unlimited food and water because of our amazing forests. You’re probably thinking what about deserts? Although deserts are mostly dry we do have some plant life, like cacti, and fern.

My world is amazing, although it may have some of its flaws in the end everyone comes together to create one. If you could design your ideal world, what would you choose? 

My Field Trip

(Image by DA teacher)

Get ready to read about an amazing field trip that I took with my grade. Last week I took a field trip to the Museum of Natural Science with my grade and we learned all about dinosaurs, fossils and all kinds of plant and animal life. We also saw different kinds of birds, scorpions, tarantulas and even snakes They even had an exhibit about race which is one of the things that stood out to me. We read and wrote about the RACE exhibit. I learned that during the worst parts of the pandemic (mostly 2020 and early 2021) people of color did not get the proper treatment as white people did. That was something that shocked me because despite everything that the country has been through, a lot of people with color got treated less for Covid 19 and didn’t get as good treatment as white people did. Thank you for the teachers who planned the trip and just being able to go was such a privilege.

Window or Mirror Book

(image from Sora)

I have enjoyed reading The Third Mushroom recently. This is part of a series in which this is the second book, the first called The Fourteenth Goldfish. A window book means looking at a different world or out of a window which is a world that is nothing like yours. A mirror is a book that reflects on your life or you have connections with that book. The Third Mushroom is an interesting book because it’s a mix between a window AND a mirror. It is a mirror because it does have a relation to others life’s and a little of mine too. It’s about a girl whose parents are divorced and her grandpa figuring out how to turn into a teenager again. It also includes some stories that people can connect with and feel like they are not alone. For example she is a science lover who is very curious like her grandpa who was a former scientist, but it also does sprinkle in middle school drama, friends and some sad stories too. This also is a window book because well, it does have some fantasy because I mean you can’t really turn yourself into a teenager again you have to deal with old age, circle of life people. But this is an amazing series and I highly recommend it. Happy reading

Language Arts Project

Last week I did a project with another classmate where we could make anything. We were revolving the project around stories that have different morals. We did one about a man who smuggled something across a border. He had a donkey covered in hay. The detective looked every day to see what was getting smuggled, but couldn’t find anything, he looked through the hay that the donkey was covered in AND he looked under the donkey too. A few years later the officer retired. The officer saw the man at a market one day and asked him what he was smuggling all this time. He replied the donkeys. We took a bunch of photos on this app called Stop Motion and then we put all of those photos together. Every time we took a picture we would move the object a little bit farther or closer. I had such an amazing time making it with my friend. Thankfully the project turned out really good!